Friday, August 8, 2008

Wave Power

I had never thought about the power of waves - but they are amazing - and a source of alternative power. The Technology Quarterly in the June 7 Economist has a lot of articles on energy. The one about harnessing wave power is especially interesting. It seems that it is a fairly undeveloped field, and the methods seem rudimentary. The main problem they are having is the way the waves batter the equipment they use. Other problems are getting the power back to shore where it can be used. The waves are free, but the equipment and maintenance are not. It will be an area to watch.
Dr. Mom


Dave or Ronda said...

Since you are a professional counselor I thought a paragraph on your blog would be interesting where you shared your advice. What would be in your opinion the three most effective communication skills a married couple could use to improve their marriage? The next step would be your own podcast. I would be a fan. Dave

Scott said...

I agree - people would likely be interested in hearing the ideas and methods you've developed throughout your practice. Could even implement an "Ask Dr. Mom" section!